Friday, October 31, 2008

I've been Tagged

8 Favorite TV shows:
1. Heroes
2. Biggest Loser
3. House
4. Pushing Daisies
5. Survivor (although this season is pretty boring)
6. Amazing Race
7. Amercan Idol
8. So you think you can dance

8 Things I did yesterday:
1. Went to boot camp and got my butt kicked.  
2. Came home fed the kids, took a shower
3. Went to Noah's Pre-school Halloween Party
4. Cleaned up the kitchen and rest of my downstairs
5. Fixed Dinner while Niko and Lucy had piano lessons
6. Ate Dinner, cleaned up kitchen again.
7. Helped the kids get in their costumes and went to the ward Ho Down
8. Folded laundry and watched House and Survivor (DVR'd)

8 things to look forward to:
1. The Primary program being over
2. The Election being over
3. Christmas
4. Snowboarding
5. A date with Billy (anything will do)
6. New Neices and Nephews
7. Chocolate
8. Going to bed

8 Favorite restaurants:  (Anywhere I don't have to cook or clean is good, but more specifically)
1. PF Chang's
2. Red Robin
3. Chili's
4. My Parent's House
5. Olive Garden
6. Panera
7. Spaghetti Factory
8. Ruth's Chris

8 Things on my wish list:
1. A maid
2. A cook
3. No Debt
4. More Time 
5. My room Painted
6. More time to digital scrapbook
7. A new camera (SLR)
8. Peace on Earth : )

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