Monday, December 14, 2009

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

I think I will just let the pictures tell the story.

wait for it. . . . .



Kristi said...

hehehe - we had our tree stand break one year after the tree was decorated and we just kept hoping that the tree would stay up until Christmas. Each day it would lean a little more. Well, it made it to Christmas but it fell over on Morgan while she was looking at her Santa presents. Maybe we should have been hoping it would stay up until after Christmas.

Unknown said...

LOL that is funny, I am sure it wasn't that funny to you at hte moment but what memories!! "Remember the year the tree fell done..."

Mrs.Goates said...

That was fun... Well it looked beautiful while it lasted! You should just hang up the picture - I'm sure Santa will figure it out.

Nichole said...

We did get it back up, we are just hoping it doesn't fall again. I think that the tree is actually too tall for the stand so it is a little top-heavy.

Kristi said...

(This is morgan) my recollection of the tree falling on me was that i was reaching for the last few wrapped presents...