Thursday, January 21, 2010


This Little Girl is Potty Trained!!!!
(Caution:  potty talk ahead!)

I never thought I would say that potty training is fun, but with Brooklyn, it was!  She was hilarious!  While sitting on the potty she would sing songs, that she made up, for example: "it's coming out my bootie, it's coming out my bootie!" (sung in an upbeat, kind of nanner-nanner tune), or play games on my iPhone, or look at books.

If I put her on the potty and she didn't need to go, she would tell me, "My pee-pee's are sleeping, I'll try again later."   And then when she needed to go she would yell, "My pee-pee's are waking up! My pee-pee's are waking up!"

It only took her about 2 days to get the hang of it and is even making it through the nights with no accidents.  Now that we've gotten rid of the diapers, I guess its time to go after this. . . .

(but I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.)


Jan W. said...

Yahooo! Indeed! Yea Brooklyn! What a character! The pictures are priceless, as always!

Kristi said...

yeah!! I never thought Kenzie would get rid of hers - but she has - we start with tappering down during the day - and then only when she was going to bed and then just in the last 10 days or so she stopped asking for it at bed time. Brooklyn still has about 6-7 months to be on the same schedule as Kenzie (Kenzie was about the same age as Brooklyn is now when she potty trained - although she has gone back to having accidents at night so we put a pull-up on her - but she's been dry the last 4 mornings so there is hope!) sorry I'll get off your blog now :o)

Julie Weiss said...

When Brayden had a binky and was just holding it in his mouth and not sucking, I had HIM throw it away and then had him carry the garbage bag (an empty one with just the binky) to the garbage. At naptime he asked for it and I said, "You threw it away, remember"--he just stood there with this look like "Oh, yeah." Never was a problem after that. Now if I could just get him to go to bed on time...(he was 2 when we got rid of the binky--he is 11 now). :) Good luck with whatever you do! :) Julie

Mrs.Goates said...

Great job nikki and I totally think you should put that first picture in the Regis and Kelly cutest baby contest or some other contest - I love her facial expressions!

Jessica said...

How exciting!!! Congrats to the both of you!

Unknown said...

Yahoo!! That is awesome, I love her songs and quotes, she is quite the goofball!!

Kaela said...

Ha!! Thanks for the laugh!!! I love the things that come out of kids mouths:) Congrats! We just barely potty trained Kaden, but he still has more accidents than I would like:( I can't say that it has been that fun, but it has been a little easier than I thought it would be.

Wendy Jean said...

That is so funny! She sounds entertaining. Good for you to not have to buy diapers ever again! I can't wait 'til Heidi is ready - maybe in a year and a half? I have high hopes!