Thursday, May 19, 2011

Picture Dump (April-May)

So the past few months have been relatively quiet around here.  But with the summer approaching I know it won't stay that way for long.  I figured I better dump some pictures up here while I can.

Ok, so this picture isn't really from April or May.  It is actually Lucy back in September of 2005, but as I was going through the pictures from April and May I found the following picture of Brooklyn in the same outfit.

Brooklyn must be taller than Lucy was because the skirt is much shorter on her and she is a little younger than Lucy was in the other picture.  I think they are both pretty cute, but I may be a little biassed.

This was my attempt at rag-tying Brookie's hair.  
In her words. . ."Mom, my hair looks funky!"

Some of you may know that the Northwest has had their fair share of rain in the past few months (ok, like way too much!!!!!)  Noah and Brooklyn were so tired of being inside that they finally just went out in the rain.  Brooklyn is wearing Billy's rain boots!  I think they look great with her tutu.  
These two definitely brightened up my day even with the rain!

For Spring break we took a trip over to Bremerton.  My sister Annie and her girls were visiting too so it was fun to spent time with them.  Despite the awful weather, Billy took Niko and Lucy camping on the coast.  I don't have any of the pictures but when I get them from billy I will try to post a few.

Noah celebrated his 7th birthday in April.  His birthday fell on the day before Easter this year so we had a busy weekend.  On Friday he had a friend over to spend the night.  We dyed Easter eggs and decorated cupcakes.

Brooklyn showing off a couple of her eggs.

On Saturday, Noah's actual birthday, he had a soccer game,

 Noah really likes soccer and is getting better all the time.  He scored 3 goals in one of his games so he was pretty stoked about that.  (So was Billy, who is also his coach)

 Then we went to an easter egg hunt at our church.  The kids had a blast gathering the eggs.
They also had two jumping castles set up in the gym so that was fun too.

 For those of you who know Brooklyn and her personality, this picture is hilarious.  She looks like a perfect little angel doesn't she?

 What a sweetie, smelling the tulips. (insert snicker from mom here)

Brooklyn surprised us all by losing her first tooth in April.  Let me remind you that she just turned 4 in March.  She had a dentist appointment the following week and they said that there wasn't any sign of trauma, she is just a little ahead of her time.

So far in May, we have had a few sunny days.  The kids have taken full advantage and spent a good 3 or 4 hours playing in this "pool"  that Niko set up.  I think they are a little sun deprived, what do you think.
note - it was maybe 63 degrees on this day.


Ethatch said...

Love this glimpse into your have a darling family!

Jan W. said...

Hey! I was just viewing your blog post on my new Mac and enjoying all the pictures and wondering how to comment on so many pictures that are all so cute. And then I came to "Angel Brooklyn" and laughed again! What an angel! (snicker, snicker)