Friday, June 3, 2011

A whole new World!

Lucy got glasses last week and it has opened up a whole new world!  It was pretty funny when she got them, she put them on and went outside and was just amazed at all the details she could see in the grass and trees and everywhere she looked.  I think she looks pretty cute!


Jan W. said...

And she is right! She looks darn cute and now she can see how darn cute she is (like she had any problem with that before). I remember those same feelings when I started wearing glasses at about the same age!

Unknown said...

Me too!! She is super cute, I love the glasses!! I too was about the same age when I could all of a sudden see the world much clearer!! Then many years later experiencing the miracle of LASIK now I can see the clock in the middle of the night and first thing when I get up, no need to reach for the glasses.

Mrs.Goates said...

Funny, I remember thinking the same thing when I got glasses - I couldn't believe i could see needles on trees! She does look darn cute too!