Thursday, May 7, 2009

Egg Drop 2009

Every year the 2nd graders at the kids' school get to participate in an egg drop.  They are supposed to design something to keep their eggs safe when they are thrown off the roof of the school.  Lucy had an advantage of getting to do it last year as well because she is in a split class.  Last year we were not successful and I'm sorry to say that our egg met an untimely death.  This year, however, well you'll just have to watch the video.  (Sorry for the length but I knew if I waited to edit it, it would never get posted.)


Unknown said...

That is awesome!! Good job Lucy!! At the school I taught in Utah we would do that too, since they were older they had specific guidelines to follow like size of box or container was limited etc. It was always so much fun!!

Mrs.Goates said...

When I was running science club, we did the same thing except with 5th graders... Only with a catapault - it was awesome... Eggs flying everywhere!