Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Magic, the Memories, and You.

Here is the video I found of the show.  Just trust me when I say that seeing it in person is AMAZING!  It's about 10 minutes so, if you don't want to watch the whole thing skip forward to about minute 5 1/2.


Julie Weiss said...

This was amazing! It made me cry! Whoever thought of this was a genius. We went to Disneyland at Christmastime in 2007 and they did a similar show at It's a Small World, but this one was by far the best. Thanks for sharing!

Jan W. said...

This truly was one of the highlights of the days at Disney! One of my most memorable moments was while I was kneeling down in front next to the kids, I glanced over and saw the pure enchantment on Brooklyn's face! She was mesmerized and in that split second, all the planning,all the fretting, and yes, all the money and more was worth it! Wish I had had a camera and captured it, but, like the video of the program, a picture could not have captured the magic of that look, but it will forever be etched in my mind! Thanks for insisting that we watch it!