Sunday, January 29, 2012

"Snow"pocalypse 2012

Last week the Seattle area had a snow storm.  Now for some areas of the country 8-12" of snow is not much to write home about, but around here it means the world stops for a week.  We got the first batch of snow on the weekend just a couple inches but enough to have school 2 hours late on tuesday (No school on Monday for MLK day)  Tuesday night, after several severe weather warnings from the news, we got about 10 inches.  The kids had a great day playing in the snow.

Niko looks on while Billy flings Noah down the hill.

Even Mercedes came out to play!

Noah loving the snow!

Lucy, always ready for a picture.

So, I ended up with way more pictures of Brooklyn, even though she was only outside half as long because she had slept in, but how could I resist taking pictures of that ADORABLE smile!  To say she loved the snow would be an understatement.  The first time she rode the board down the hill she squealed like a little girl (so that's where that saying comes from) and then got up and said, "That was Awesome! That was Awesome! THAT WAS TOTALLY WICKED-AWESOME!!!!"  and she said that every time she she came down the hill.  Before we went in we even strapped the snowboard on and she loved that too, and she didn't even fall down!  

That night, the freezing rain and ice came and things weren't quite as fun.  We lost power for 2 days and everything had a thick layer of ice on it.  Several trees were broken or completely fell down.  Several roads were closed and there were a ton of car accidents in the Seattle area.  But we survived, Billy cooked for us on his camp stove out on the deck and we had our fireplace to help keep us warm and our hot water tank runs on gas so we could still take showers.  We played some games and read some books and the kids actually played with some toys instead of the wii or computer.  It was definitely a week to remember!

The thick layer of ice that was on our tree.  Luckily both our trees survived without losing any branches.

Even though it caused a lot of damage, the ice covered world was very pretty to look at.

This was pretty funny, Lucy practicing piano in the dark with a head lamp on. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fun times!!! Love Brooklyn's face, makes you so excited just looking at it!!