Monday, January 9, 2012

No more playing catch up...

So, I never update this blog because I get behind and then I feel like I need to play catch up on all the stuff I missed so then I really don't want to blog because there are so many things I missed, which means I miss even more stuff and then I want to blog even less, it is a vicious cycle and I have decided to break it.  No more feeling obligated to "catch up" on months that I miss because I am too busy DOING all the things that I WANT to blog about.  So from now on I will blog when I feel like blogging and not worry if it's been a day, a month, or a year since my last post. So, with that being said, let me catch you up on a few things that have been happening around here.  (HA HA! I'm so funny!)

After years of planning, the Wells Family had their 1st official family reunion.  And we don't really do anything small so we went to ORLANDO!  We had 8 days of family, fun, and of course Disney World.  Although there were a few snags along the way, (sick kids, lost luggage, those kind of things) it was a ton of fun and hopefully the memories will last forever! Here are just a few pictures (I only took about 800)

Day 1 (Tampa/Drive to Orlando) (Christmas Day)

This is the view from our hotel when we woke up Christmas morning

The boys couldn't resist checking out the beach.

After we got our lost luggage back, we left Tampa and drove to Orlando, a little over an hour drive.

Once all the families arrived we had croissant sandwiches and then sang some Christmas songs together.

Mom and Dad presented all the families with various gifts for the reunion... a really cool hand made bag, water bottles for everyone,  a custom ornament to help us remember, t-shirts, a little puzzle thing to entertain us while we waited in lines, and little journals/autograph books that my mom put together.  I think that is everything but I might have forgotten something.

The back of the journals.  This is also the wordle that is on the back of our T-shirts.

Day 2 (Animal Kingdom and FHE)

Here we are in front of the "Tree of Life"  

We didn't really try to stay together as a big family at the parks so we always thought it was funny when we would just randomly run into each other.  It happened more than you might think.  Here is my brother Nate and his family.
Noah havin' some fun on the drums.  This poor kid was sick the whole week.  He is actually still sick after a week of being home.  He was a trooper even though I'm sure he would've been happy to just stay at the house and relax, but hey, we were on vacation, there was no time to relax... 

We loved seeing all the Animals on the safari and walk through trails.   Billy was in charge of the camera this day so all the picture credits go to him.
Here is a fun video of our trip down the Kali River Rapids Ride

Here we are in front of Expedition Everest, we are a little wet from our trip down the river.
We got to meet Tigger and his friends Eeyore and Pooh.

Brooklyn and I ready to ride the Dinos!
At about 6:00 all the families met back at the houses for Cafe Rio. (I just have to jump in here and give a shout out to my sister Annie who had the job of organizing all the food for the week, she did such a great job that I think she should be in charge of food for every reunion, she might object but I'm sure if we put it to a vote we would have a majority.) Following Cafe Rio we had Family Home Evening.

"We are a Happy Family!"

To Be Continued....


Mrs.Goates said...

Hmmm... I think there is a clause under family reunion planning about planning games day and food, no family is responsible twice in a row... despite majority votes ;)

Fun pictures!

Ali said...

What a treat to see all of these festivities!! It's hard to believe you all pulled it off and were ALL able to go at the same time and had such a great time. I dream and dream of something like this for my family one day!!! What a treat. THanks for sharing all your's been fun to read through this reunion.